Aggression VI

Instant aggression level indication by webcam. Control your aggression level, the aggression level of your partners and family by Aggression-VI program.

Aura VI

Now you need only webcam and Aura-VI program to control aura. Modern technologies change view to the ancient aura secrets. Discover a new features in your emotions, health, minds, family etc. Control real time changes in your aura depends on any influence.

Balance VI

This program is made for measure the level of the balance of different peorle. Its could be used for recruting of employees, creation of a quiet command for the decision of difficult problems, a choice of the counterbalanced partner for family creation and so on. It will take you some minutes to measure it. You will need the PC with installed VI Balance on it and web camera (or videorecord of the person).

Brain Voice VI

The program allows to hear the sounds generated proceeding from fluctuations of a head of the person which, in turn, depends on brain activity. Therefore the given sounds it is possible to name "brain voice"

Charming VI

This program is created specially for definition of the level of charming of different people. It can be the useful for selection of candidates on the posts demanding at the person of the natural skills conserning promoting and persuading. It is also possible to get know level of your charming eventually or under various conditions with VI Charming.

Compatibility VI

The special program for definition of compatibility of people. Modern technologies of vibraimage and easy-to-use interface make the woek with VI very simple for every users. The fieid of application of Vi 7 "Compatibility" is very wide and makes this software a universal method for successful recruiting of colleagues, employees, and the most important thing, a couple. Wor work with VibraImage you just need a PC with installed VI software and a web camera.

Energy VI

Program VI 7 "Energy" helps you to find out what exactly from your environment gives you an energy. It can be, for example, jewels, certain colour of wall-paper of a bedroom or a power drink.It not simply to understand which object helps you to be energy all day long. The VibraImage helps you not only to reveal this object, but also shows how your energy raised. Now you are assured that will be able to carry out all planned per day and even more.

Stress VI

Stress, emotions and mental health are so real as medical diseases and physiological features. You need to have strong and simple instrument like thermometer to measure emotions and mental health. Vibraimage technology gives you this chance by vestibulo-emotional reflex measurement. You need only webcam and Stress-VI program for stress control. Now you could see what actions, people, drugs, products etc move your stress level up and down, so you could treat your mental health and control treatment results. Maybe walking is better than drugs, you could test it by Stress-VI program.

Suspect VI

With this program you can easily see the level of a sense of suspect of any person by his video or videorecord.